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HSC Article Practice | HSC | Mamudul Hasan

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Article Practice sheet


►Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a, an, the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put a cross ( × ) in those blanks.


1. (a) ____angry man is not liked even by (b)___ idiot. There is a difference between (c) ____educated and (d) _____uneducated. An educated (e) _____man should come forward to educate (f) ____uneducated man. On the other hand (g) ____rich man should have sympathy for (h) ____poor man. Again there is a difference between (i) _____ rich and (j) _____poor.

2. Mobile phone is (a) _____great invention of modern science. As (b) _____consumers of mobile phone are increasing day by day. (c) ______people are getting benefited. But it is unfortunate that mobile phone sometimes becomes (d)_____cause of hazard, especially (e) _____children are affected much. (f)_____ scientists believe that mobile phone causes brain tumors, genetic damage and many other (g) ______ incurable diseases. They believe that invisible and uncontrolled radioactivity of (h)______ mobile phone causes irreparable damage to (i)______human body. They say that (j)_____government should control radioactive sources.

3. The process of globalization obviously requires (a) _______common language for international (b)_______ communication. For many different reasons, English has achieved (c) ______ prestige of being that (d)_______ language because it is (e) _______international language. It is no longer (f) _____ unique possession of British or American or other native-speakers but (g) _____ language that belongs to (h) ______ world’s people. This phenomenon has led to (i) _____bewildering variety of (j)______English around the world.

4. Newspaper plays (a)_____ important role in our society. It is (b) ______most useful thing in our modern life. We cannot think of (c) ______day without it. To read newspaper is (d) ______ good habit. (e) ______more we read newspaper. (f) _______ more we can acquire knowledge. If we don’t read it, we shall be (g) _______frogs in (h)______ dark well. It is (i)_______ looking glass of (j)______modern world.

5. Every student wants to do better in (a)______examination. But it is not (b)______easy work. (c)_______ student has to do something for this. From (d) ______very beginning he must be serious. He should read (e) ______ texts again and again. He must not memorize (f) _____ answer without knowing the meaning. He must not make notes from (g) ______ common source. He should have a good (h)_____ command over English. By doing all these things (i)______ student can hope to make a good (j) ____result.

6. Unfair means in the examination is (a) ______ offence. It degrades (b)______standard of education. If the students of (c)______country do not acquire true (d)_____education, there will be no development for (e) _____country. (f) ____examinee should read seriously so that he can cut (g) _____good figure in the examination. To acquire true education should be the only aim in life of all (h) ______students. (i)________ educated man cannot support (j)______unfair means in the examination at all.  

7. Once there lived (a) — poor cobbler. He had (b) — rich neighbour. (c) — neighbour was blessed with (d) — ill health. So he was (e) — angry man. He was always (f) — unhappy man. Once he used to think that (g) — richest man was (h) — happiest man in (i) — world. But his (j) — idea was not correct.

8. Today women are playing (a)_____ important role in all spheres of (b) ______life. They are no longer confined within (c) _____four walls of the kitchens. They have come out of their cocoons and are working hand in hand with (d)______men. They are joining (e) _____wide range of professions and making a great (f)_____contribution to the economy. Now, it has come to (g) ______realization of all that it is not possible to develop the country keeping women, (h) _____large section of (i) ______population, in (j)_____ dark.

9. Mr. Karim is an English (a) ______teacher. He is (b) _____M.A. in English. He serves in (c)_____ ideal institution. He tries to lead (d) _____honest life. He is (e) _____most favourite teacher to the students. He speaks English like (f) _____ English. To speak (g) _____ truth he is friendly to (h)_____ students. He tries heart and soul to help (i)______ students in every possible way. We want (j)______ teacher like him.

10. ‘Communicative competence’ means the ability to use (a)______language in (b) ______appropriate manner in different situations. There are two ways of developing communicative competence in (c)______ language. (d) ______first is acquisition which is similar to (e) _____way people develop their ability in their mother tongue. It’s a natural subconscious process in which people are not usually aware of acquiring (f) ______language. They are only aware of (g) ______communication. So, acquisition is picking up (h) _____language in (i)_____ instinctive way. It may be called (j)______ implicit method of learning.

11. Literacy as (a) ______ skill was first institutionalized in Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and China soon after (b) _____ art of writing was invented. Education then was not for (c)______ general people but (d)_______ privilege for (e) _______ chosen (f) _____ few who took on strategic roles in (g)______ running of (h) ______ state and in religion. In Greece, education became more widespread in about the 5th century BC. (i)_______ Greeks, however, sent only their (j) ______male children to school.

12. (a)______ idle man and (b) _____ active man cannot be equal. We know (c) ______ story of (d)_____ ant (e) _______ grasshopper. (f) ______ ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) ______ lazy. The ant knows that (h)______ industrious shine. On (i) _____contrary (j)____ lazy suffer in life.              

 13. Industry is (a)______ key to success. (b) _____industrious can prosper in life. (c) ______man who does not undertake (d)_______ hard work can never go (e)_______long way in (f)_____world. Many (g)_______ man is not conscious of (h)______ importance of (i) ______ diligence for which they can’t reap (j)______ benefit of success.

14. (a) ______16th December is (b) ______ red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day we achieved victory at (c) _____ cost of (d) ______ bloody battle. Bangladesh came into being as (e) ______ independent country. It occupied a place in the world (f) ______ map. Every year we observe (g)______  day with due solemnity. We remember (h)_______ supreme sacrifice of our heroic sons. The day is (i)_____  public holiday. The day begins with gunshots. The national flag is hoisted on (j)______top of the each house.

15. Patriotism is (a)_______ noble virtue. It inspires (b) ______ man to shed the last drop of blood to defend (c)______ freedom of his country. (d) _______ man without patriotism is no better than (e)______ beast. A true patriot is honoured by (f) ______all. He thinks for (g) ______ welfare of his country. On (h)_______ other hand, (i) _______ unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j)_________country are true patriots.

16. Bangladesh is a land of (a) ______scenic beauty, (b) _____land, (c)______ rivers and the forest are (d)______ sources of this beauty. Geographically Bangladesh can be divided into four regions. In many places there is lot of amazing beautiful spots. For this reason, (e) ______tourism business can flourish here, (f) ______wild animals of (g) ______Sundarbans are also (h)_______great asset. Tourism can play (i) _______vital role in national economy. But it is still in elementary stage. So, we have to cross (j)_______long way.

17. (a) _______morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. It is (b)______simple exercise and good for health and (c) ______ mentality. In the morning, (d) ______ air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure (e) ______environment makes an effect on (f)______ walker’s health and mind when (g) _______man enjoys (h)______ beauties and solemnity of (i)______nature in (j)_______ morning.

18. There is a saying that sincerity is (a)________ key to success. (b) _______ person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) ______ rules of sincerity can never go (d)_____ long way in (e) ______world. Many (f) ______ man is not conscious of (g) _______ importance of (h)______ sincerity for which they don’t have (i) _______ benefit of (j)______ success. However, we should be sincere to our work if we want to achieve anything notable.

19. (a) ______ ant is (b)______ industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) ______ant. If we observe the life of (d) ______successful man, we will find that he was (e) _______industrious. The industrious are liked by all in (f)_______world. On (g)______other hand, (h)______ idle person is disliked by all. So, industry is (i) ______ must to prosper in (j) _______life because we know industry is the key to success.

20.. (a)_____ library is usually a room or a building where (b) ______huge collection of books of various subjects are kept ready for the readers. (c)_____students come here to pass their leisure hours by reading books, magazines, journals, etc. There is (d) ______ librarian who is in charge of (e) ______ library. His duty is to keep the books in (f) _____  library in (g)_______  perfect order. (h) _____ true function of (i) ______ school library is to supply the students (j) _____ good books that widen their knowledge.

21. Bangladesh is (a) _______ overpopulated country. Population problem is (b) _____ burning question of Bangladesh. Though (c) ______  population of (d) ______ country is (e)______  asset, it has already become (f) _____ great problem in our country because (g) ______ country cannot afford to give (h)_____  people the basic necessaries of (i) ______ life equally to all. So we should try to make the equity among all by controlling (j) _____ population growth.

22. Dowry means (a) —- property or money brought by a bride to her husband. During the marriage ceremony (b) —- section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c) —- guardians of the brides. (d) —- poor illiterate girls become (e) —- victims of dowry. If (f) —- guardians fail to fulfill (g) —- demand of (h) —- bridegroom the brides are maltreated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (i) —- social curse. This curse can be eliminated by changing the outlook of (j) —- people specially the male members.

23. (a) —- reporter is (b) —- person who collects (c) —- news from any place of the country or from any country of the world. He works for (d) —- certain newspaper or (e) —- news agency. He plays (f) —- important role in the newspaper industry. He supplies (g) —- various news to (h) —- news agency or newspaper. A reporter should be (i) —- ideal person to supply true reports. He must be (j) —- industrious person too.

24. Freedom is (a) —- eternal desire of man. (b) —- spirit of revolution emerges from this desire. This very spirit inspires (c) —- man to achieve his freedom. We are the inhabitants of (d) —- independent Bangladesh. But it was not free in (e) —- past. Bangladesh lost her independence in (f) —- different phases of (g) —- history. At last, Bangladesh became free in 1971 from (h) —- then Pakistan rulers after (j) —- fierce fighting, Now, it is our duty to make (j) —- Liberation War meaningful by realizing its importance on our national life.

25. A brilliant student is (a) — asset. One day he may be (b) — engineer or (c) — MBBS doctor. He makes (d) — best use of his time. He makes a proper division of his time and does his duties accordingly. He knows that youth is (e) — golden period of (f) — life. He has (g) — aim in life. He knows that (h) — life without (i) — aim is like (j) — ship without rudder.

26. Bangladesh is (a) — world’s most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) — great size of our population. (c) — population explosion is (d) — constant threat to our environment and (e) — society. Here population is growing at such (f) — high rate that (g) — environment may soon fail to supply (h) — people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) — alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) — situation.

27. (a) — idle man and (b) — active man can not be equal. We know (c) — story of (d) — ant and (e) — grasshopper. (f) — ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) — lazy. The ant knew that (h) — industrious shine. On (i) — contrary, (j) — lazy suffer in life.

28. Newspaper plays (a) — important role in our society. It is (b) — most useful thing in our modern life. We can not think of (c) — day without it. To read a newspaper is (d) — good habit. (e) — more we read the newspaper (f) — more we can acquire knowledge. If we don’t read it, we shall be (g) — frogs in (h) — dark well. It is (i) — looking glass of (j) — modern world.

29. When (a) — great poet Ferdousi, began to write (b) — Shahanama, the Sultan promised him (c) — piece of gold for each (d) — verse. When (e) — epic was finished, it contained sixty thousand (f) — verses. Instead of giving gold coins, he offered the poet only sixty thousand silver (g) — coins. The poet refused to take the silver coins and left the court with (h) — broken heart. He was (i) — aggrieved man. Later on the Sultan reaslised that he had made (j) — blunder.

30. It is (a) ______ known fact that English is (b) ________ international language. (c) ______ language used by the international community is important. Statistics show that 350 million people speak English as (d)______ first language and another 300 million use it as (e) ______second language. It is (f)_____ official language in more than 60 countries of the world. Once it was also (g) _____ official language of our country. Most of (h)_____ books of science and technology are written in English. So (i) ________ importance of learning English beggars description. It is (j)_______ must.

31. An angry man is not liked (a)_____ even by (b) _____ idiot. There is difference between the educated and (c) ______ uneducated. An educated (d) ______ person should come forward to educate (e)_____ uneducated. On the other hand (f) _______ rich man should have (g) ______ sympathy for (h) ______ poor. There is difference between (i) ______ poor man and (j) ______rich man.

32. We know (a) — man is (b) — rational creature. It is (c) — rationality in him which makes him (d) — different species. He can differentiate between (e) — right and (f) wrong. This is why (g) — man is considered (h) — best creation of (i) — creator of (j) — universe.

33. “Under the Greenwood Tree” is (a) — song derived from “As You Like It,” (b) — comedy by Shakespeare. In this song (c) — writer’s love of nature has found (d) — eloquent expression, as has, as (e) — undertone, his deep concern for (f) — limitations of (g) — human society. In the forest (h) — only enemy of man is bitter winter and rough weather. Nature has no particular enmity towards man and it treats all equally. The forest is the place for one who is content with (i) — small pleasures of life and has (j) — little ambition.

34. At present Bangladesh faces (a) — number of (b) — problems. Of all these problems (c) — population problem is (d) — most acute one. The population is undoubtedly (e) — great asset of (f) — country. But when (g) — country fails to feed and provide them with (h) — suitable jobs, they become (i) — burden. Similar is (j) — case with Bangladesh.

35. You must have heard (a) — name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is our national poet. He is known as (b) — rebel poet. He was born in (c) — poor family. He passed his boyhood in great hardship. When (d) — First World War broke out, he joined (e) — army. After (f) —war, he began to write poems. He wrote specially for (g) — oppressed and down trodden people. He is called (h) — Shelley of Bengali literature. His poems and songs inspired (i) — Bangalees in (j) — War of liberation.

36. Preparation of tea is a long but (b) — interesting process. (c) — Water is first boiled in (d) — kettle and (e) — desired quantity of (f) — tea dust is put in it. After (g) — few minutes (h) — boiled leaves are separated from (i) — liquor. Then the liquor is poured into (j) — cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it.

37. Long long ago (a) — mirror was found in (b) — paddy field by (c) — old farmer. Neither this farmer nor anybody else in (d) — area had ever seen a mirror. So, when (e) — farmer looked into (f) — mirror, he was surprised to see (g) — man looking straight at him. Now, (h) — farmer closely (i) — resembled his father who had died many years ago. He thought that it was his father (j) — inside it and saluted him with love and respect.

38. Today women are playing (a) — important role in all spheres of (b) — life. They are no longer confined within (c) — four walls of the kitchens. They have come out of their cocoons and are working and in hand with (d) — men. They are joining (e) — wide range of profession and making a great (f) — contribution to the economy. Now it has come to (g) — realization of all that it is not possible to develop the country keeping women, (h) — large section of (i) — population, in (j) — dark.

39. Akbar (a) — Great was one of (b) — greatest emperors of India who ruled this subcontinent for more than 50 years. He was on one side a great ruler and on the other side a man of (c) — wisdom. Among all (d) — Mughal rulers he was (e) — best. As a result his name has been written in the page of (f) — history. Though he was (g) — uneducated person he had (h) — ability to rule (i) — kingdom like (j) — expert ruler.

40. A student must take care of his (a) — health because (b) — sound mind lives in (c) — sound body. Good health is (d) — the key to success. In order to enjoy good health, (e) —– student must observe (f) — rules of health. (g) — unhealthy man may be (h) —– possessor of vast (i) —– wealth; but he leads (j) — unhappy life.


1. (a) an (b) an/the (c) the (d) the (e) × (f) the (g) a (h) a (i) the (j) the

2. (a) a (b) the (c) × (d) the (e) the (f) × (g) × (h) the (i) the (j) the

3. (a) a (b) × (c) the (d) × (e) an (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) a (j) ×

4. (a) an (b) the (c) a (d) a (e) the (f) the (g) × (h) the (i) the (j) the

5. (a) the (b) an (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) × (I) a (j) ×

6. (a) an (b) the (c) a (d) × (e) the (f) an (g) a (h) the (i) an (j)

7. (a) a; (b) a; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) an; (f) an; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) ×

8. (a) an; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) ×; (e) a; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) a; (i) the; (j) the

9. (a) ×; (b) an; (c) an; (d) an; (e) the; (f) the; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) a

10. (a) ×; (b) an; (c) a; (d) the; (e) the; (f) a; (g) ×; (h) a; (i) an (j) the

11. (a) a; (b) the; (c) the; (d) a; (e) the; (f) ×; (g) the; (h) the; (i) the; (j) ×

12. (a) an; (b) an; (c) the; (d) an/the; (e) a/the; (f) the; (g) ×; (h) the; (i) the; (j) the

13. (a) the (b) the (c) the (d) × (e) a (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) × (j) the

14. (a) the (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) an (f) × (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) the

15. (a) a (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) a (f) a (g) the (h) the (i) an (j) the

16. (a) × (b) the (c) the (d) the (e) × (f) the (g) the (h) a (i) a (j) a

17. (a) × (b) a (c) × (d) the (e) × (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) × (j) the

18. (a) the (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) the (f) a (g) the (h) × (i) the (j) ×

19. (a) An (b) an (c) the (d) a (e) × (f) the (g) the (h) an (i) a (j) ×

20. (a) A (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) The (f) the (g) a (h) The (i) a (j) the

21. (a) an (b) the (c) the (d) a (e) an (f) a (g) the (h) the (i) × (j) the

22. (a) × (b) a (c) the (d) The (e) the (f) × (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) the

23. (a) A (b) a (c) × (d) a (e) a (f) an (g) × (h) the (i) an (j) an

24. (a) the (b) The (c) × (d) an (e) the (f) × (g) the (h) the (i) a (j) the

25. (a) an (b) an (c) an (d) the (e) the (f) X (g) an (h) X

26. (a) the (b) the (c) x/the (d) a (e) x (f) a (g) the (h) the (i) an (j) the.

27. (a) An (b) an (c) the (d) an/the (e) a/the (f) The (g) x

28. (a) an (b) the (c) a (d) a (e) The (f) the (g) x (h) the (i) a (j) the.

29. (a) the (b) the (c) a (d) x (e) the (f) x (g) x (h) a (i) an (j) a.

30. (a) a (b) an (c) The/A (d) a (e) a (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) a.

31. (a) x (b) an (c) the (d) x (e) the (f) a (g) x (h) the (i) a (j) a.

32. (a) x (b) a (c) the (d) a (e) x (f) x (g) x (h) the (i) the (j) the.

33. (a) a (b) a (c) the (d) an/x (e) an/x (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) x (j) x.

34. (a) a (b) x (c) x/the (d) the (e) a (f) a (g) the (h) x (i) a (j) the.

35. (a) the (b) a/the (c) a (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) the.

36. (a) a (b) an/x (c) x (d) a (e) the/a (f) x (g) a (h) the (i) the (j) a.

37. (a) a (b) a (c) an (d) the (e) the (f) the (g) a (h) the (i) x (j) x

38. (a) an (b) x (c) the (d) x (e) a (f) x (g) the (h) a (i) the/x (j) the.

39.  (a) the; (b) the; (c) ; (d) the; (e) the; (f) ;(g) an; (h) the; (i) the; (j) an.

40. (a) ; (b) a; (c) a; (d) the; (e) a; (f) the; (g) An; (h) the; (i) ; (j) an.

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