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CV with Cover Letter | Curriculum Vitae | Cover Letter with CV | SSC | Job Application

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CV with a cover letter

Date of application: (09th February 2020)

Head of the organization: (The Principal)

Name of the organization: (Monipur High school)

Address of the organization: (Mirpur-2, Dhaka)

Sub: Application for the position of ----------- (Name of the Post) -------

Dear Sir,

In response to your job advertisement published in the [name of the newspaper] on [date of publication], I would like to apply for the position of (Name of the post). I am confident that my education and qualification will help me to serve in your company/school/bank/college.

May I therefore pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me for an interview at your convenient time and place.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Name of applicant




Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information:

1. Name :

2. Father’s Name :

3. Mother’s Name :

4. Date of Birth :

5. Religion :

6. Sex :

7. Marital Status :

8. Nationality :

9. Blood Group :

10. Address :

11. Email:

Educational Qualification:

Name of Degree   
Name of Institute   
Passing Year   


Language skills: Bengali & English :Excellent both in speaking and writing.

Computer skills: Office Management : Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access).



1. Mr. ‘X’

(Name of the post)

(Name of the company/ institution)

Contact no:


[Signature of applicant]




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