Recents in Beach

Punctuation | HSC-2021 | Top 10 Grammar Suggestion | Mahmudul Hasan



There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors


Tourist :           How old is the edifice guide

Guide :           Madam its a 15th century edifice

Tourist :           What a wonderful edifice it is

Guide  :           It was built by Akbar the emperor of India.

Tourist :           Oh I see

Guide  :           Madam we should move now. The sun is about to set, It would be dark?

Tourist :           Isnt the place safe.

Guide  :           It is. But the security does not allow anybody after the sunset



A         :           Whats solar energy.

B         :           Its one of the renewable energy sources!

A         :           Why is it called green energy

B         :           Well its green energy because it helps us keep the earth green I mean it doesn't emit any pollutant in the atmosphere when we produce and use it.

A         :           I see Then it must be a clean source of energy

B         :           Exactly And that’s why its also called clean energy



Nazmul:           Excuse me where is the nearest hospital

Arafat  :           Its about 2 kilometers from here Youll have to here a taxi you can also go by bus

Nazmul:           I see Is there a bus station near here

Arafat  :           Yes there is a bus stop at the corner

Nazmul:           Thanks you

Arafat  :           Dont mention it



Reporter:         May I come in, sir

Principal:         Yes come in

Reporter:         Sir, Im Aman from the Daily Star

Principal:         Please be seated what can I do for you

Reporter:         I want to know about the brilliant result of your collage

Principal:         Yes the result is satisfactory

Reporter:         All credit must be yours

Principal:         No credit goes to my student who work hard



Della                :           May I come in

Sophronie        :           Yes please

Della                :           Do you buy hair

Sophronie        :           Yes, I buy hair

Della                :           Will you buy my hair

Sophronie        :           Take your hat of f and lets have a sight at the books of it

Della                :           How much will you pay

Sophronie        :           Twenty dollars

Della                :           Only twenty dollars.

Sophronie        :           Yes thats the best I can offer

Della                :           Ok give it to me quick

Sophronie        :           Hare it is



Lady Guest     :           You see youve filled your stomach with a lot of meat Therefore you can eat anymore

Writer              :           I took a Mutton chop

Lady Guest     :           Follow my example

Writer              :           Ill do better than that Dont be tensed

Lady Guest     :           Humorist your quite a humorist



Rats                 :           Stop Stop

Monkey           :           Why? Why should I stop?

Rats                 :           Stop! You’rereeating all our bread

Monkey           :           Well I’m trying my level best to divide the bread equally

Rats                 :           No you are not. youre just eating it!

Monkey           :           Its difficult; Ive told you at the beginning, haven’t I?

Rats                 :           Yes,you have

Monkey           :           Ive also told you that it'll cost you a lot.

Rats                 :           That dosent mean you’ll eat all our bread!

Monkey           :           Let me try again.



Father              :           Youre really strong my son. Could you break this bundle of sticks

Son                  :           Yes it's a very simple job I'll do it within a second

Father              :           Have a try

Son                  :           Sure oh, I'm quite wrong Its stronger than I expected.

Father              :           Okay now try this single stick. See what you can do.

Son                  :           Pass it to me and just hear the sound!

Father              :           I know it'll be easy for you. Have you learnt anything from these sticks

Son                  :           Learning from sticks

Father              :           Yes the bundle of sticks is stronger than the single stick It teaches us the wise saying united we stand, divided we fall.


Nitu     :           Hello Mitu have you ever been to Kuakata

Mitu    :           No I have not But I wish to go there during the winter vacation

Nitu     :           When will you vacation start

Mitu    :           Any time in next December either during the first week or second week

Nitu     :           You see Ive also not been there Will you allow me to accompany you!

Mitu    :           Why not I would rather love to?


10.       The superintendent said nobody would drive in the fog Jerry I said come just before bed time last night and you hadnt come so I brought pat some of my breakfast  this morning I wouldnt  have let anything to happen to him I was sure of that I didnt worry replied the authoress

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