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Etiquette and manners | unit-4 | Lesson 1 | English 1st paper | HSC | Mahmudul Hasan

Etiquette and manners | unit-4 | Lesson 1 | English 1st paper | HSC | Mahmudul Hasan

Mr English Mahmudul Hasan

HSC – English 1st Paper

Unit-4, Lesson- 1

Etiquette and Manners

As a child you must have been told to greet(অভিবাদন/অভ্যর্থনা জানানো) your elders and visitors (অতিথী/দর্শনার্থী) to your home according to(অনুসারে) your culture(সংস্কৃতি) and tradition (ঐতিহ্য/প্রথা).


You must also have been taught to be polite in company(সংঘ,দল) and keep quiet while others, especially your elders, spoke. Possibly, you at times grudged(বিদ্বেষ) such schooling(শিক্ষা).


Possibly, at times you even protested (প্রতিবাদ করা) such disciplining (নিয়মশৃংখ্ঙলা) Now, certainly (অবশ্যই )you know that you can’t always behave the way you want especially in the presence of others.


There are rules of behaviour you have to follow in a company. We are social beings and have to consider(বিবেচনা করা)the effect of our behaviour on others, even if we are at home and dealing with(আচরন করা) our family members.


We have two terms(শব্দ)to describe our social behaviour-‘etiquette’ and ‘manners.’ ‘Etiquette’ is a French word and it means the rules of correct behaviour in society. The word ‘manners’ means the behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular( নিদিষ্ট, বিশেষ)society or culture.


Manners can be good or bad. For example, it is a bad manner to speak with food in one’s mouth. No one likes a bad-mannered( খারাপ আচরণকারী ) person. Remember that etiquette and manners vary(বর্তায়, পরিবর্তিত হওয়া, ভিন্ন হওয়া) from culture to culture and from society to society.


We learn etiquette and manners from our parents, families and various institutions, such as schools, colleges or professional bodies (পেশাজীবী সংগঠন). There are rules of behaviour for all kinds of social occasions (অনুষ্ঠান) and it is important to learn them and practise (অনুশীলন করা) them in everyday life. The manners that are correct in a wedding reception(অনুষ্ঠান)will not do in a debating club.


Therefore, we have to be careful about etiquette and manners. We know how important it is to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in everyday life. A few more polite expressions(অভিব্যাক্তি )such as ‘pardon me(আমাকে ক্ষমা কর ),’ ‘excuse me( মাফ করবেন )’, ‘may I (আমি কি),’ are bound(আবদ্ধ) to make your day smooth(মসৃণ) and pleasant(আনন্দদায়ক).






A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

  a) The word ‘grudge’ stands for____________

      i) do unwillingly      ii) to be indifferent      iii) to have no emotion     iv) feeling of dislike


  b) The word ‘schooling’ is used as___________

      i) a group of writers                                                 ii) to train somebody     

    iii) to give advice or lesson to somebody                  iv) an experience or activity


  c) The behaviour that is good in a society can be bad______________

      i) in future         ii) in another society             iii) in the past            iv) forever


  d) “……etiquette and manners vary from culture to culture and from society to society.”-What does it imply?

i) similarities of culture                                   ii) differences of culture    

iii) variation of culture                                     iv) all the above answer       


  e) The word ‘professional’ stands for_______

      i) related to or belonging to a profession                   ii) a player or a performer     

    iii) highly skilled person                                               iv) one who does a job


  f) The meaning of the word ‘polite’ is_____________

      i) one who regards himself superior    ii) easy-going      iii) soft-spoken     iv) well-mannered    


  g) If there are elders or visitors at your home the proper attitude towards them is to_________

      i) dodge them              ii) accost them         iii) avoid them          iv) shun them 


  h) “Manners” refers to_________

    i) affable behaviour                         ii) rough behaviour     

    iii) surly behaviour                                       iv) mean behavior


  i) ‘Professional bodies’ refers to_____________

      i) amateur institutions                                              ii) occupational institutions    

    iii) domestic institutions                                            iv) confidential institutions 


  j) The term ‘excuse me’ is used for _______________

    i) to grant pardon                                           ii) to ignore someone     

   iii) to show respect                                         iv) to humiliate someone



B. Answer these question→

 a) What is etiquette and manners?

Ans: Etiquette is a French word meant the rules of correct behaviour in society, where the word ‘manners’ means the behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture. These are human’s behavioural patterns.


 b) How can we learn etiquette and manners?

Ans: We can learn etiquette and manners from various institutions such as from our family, school, college, and also professional bodies.


 c) Why do we have to be careful about etiquette and manners?

Ans: We have to be careful about etiquette and manners because etiquette and manners vary from culture to culture and society to society. The manners that are accepted in one society will not be followed in another.


d) What lessons does one learn in his early childhood?

Ans: One learns the rules of correct behaviour in his early childhood. Different types of behaviour are learnt in one’s childhood, he learns how to eat, how to treat elders , how to go different occasions.


e) Why is it important to learn the rules of behaviour?

Ans: It is important to learn the rules of behaviour because it makes our life smooth and pleasant.


 f) Why etiquette and manners vary?

Ans: Etiquette and manners vary because there are different types of societies and they have different cultures. Each society follows a different culture; the culture which is practised and followed in one society will not be followed in another. So, that is why etiquette and manners vary


g) Write a few polite expression mentioned in the passage.

Ans:  Few polite expressions are “excuse me”, “Pardon me”, “May I”, “thank you” etc


 h) “Manners can be good or bad.”—Explain.

Ans: Manners can be good or bad, suppose it is a bad manner to talk keeping food in the mouth and it is a good manner to speak with elders politely.


 i) How can we describe our social behaviour?

Ans: We can describe our social behaviour by two terms “etiquette”, “manners. Etiquette is a French word that means the rules of correct behaviour in society, where the word ‘manners’ means the behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture



 j) Why should we remember etiquette and manners? Why is it important?

Ans: We should remember etiquette and manners because they exercise an important part in our social life no one can acquaint with another one without learning etiquette and manners properly. It is important because it makes our life smooth and pleasant.


Etiquette and manners are two terms that are very important in our social life. We should maintain the rules of etiquette and manners while interacting with society. We are human being and for this one’s behaviour has a great effect on others’ behaviour. Moreover, etiquette and manners vary from culture to culture and society to society. Therefore, we should be careful about our behaviour. Etiquette and manners help us to maintain a good or a bad relationship with others in society. So we should practise the rules of correct behaviour in our day to day life and make our life smooth and pleasant.

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