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HSC Completing Sentence Practice | HSC | Mahmudul Hasan

 HSC Completing sentence practice | Completing Sentence HSC practice | Completing Sentence 

Completing sentence for HSC


Completing Sentence


a) 21st February is a red-letter day in our life because ............... . It is our Mother language day.

b) Once there was a farmer who had three sons. They were so lazy that ............... .

c) I have to meet Raihan. Do you know where ............... ?

d) It is high time you ............... . It is detrimental to health.

e) English is an international language. If you want to go abroad for higher studies ............... .

f) The bee is one of the busiest insects. It flies from flower to flower to ............... .

g) My friend lived in New Zealand. It is many years since ...............  . 

h) We must grow the habit of getting up early in the morning. The sooner we get up ............... .

i) There goes the proverb “United we stand, divided we fall.” Unless we are united ...............  .

j) Our country is beset with many problems. We all should come forward with a view ...............


a) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should ............... .

b) English is an international language. ...............  So, you should get a good job.

c) Corruption is an obstacle to our national development. It is high time ...............  .

d) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. I wish ............... .

e) Mobile phone is a wonder of modern science. But ............... .

f) He cannot run the business. So, he should ............... .

g) He confessed that ............... . So, I forgive him.

h) The students could not memories the poem. It was so difficult ............... .

i) Since there was no more question to discuss, ............... .

j) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays ............... .


a) We are closely related to our environment. We should keep the environment free from pollution so that...............

b) We must follow the rules of hygiene. Without following the rules of hygiene, we ............... 

c) He was very hopeful about winning the game. He ...............  before he took part in the competition.

d) He had a street accident and his mother injured herself falling on the stairs. To tell the truth misfortune...............

e) She has got GPA 4.50. If  ............... more seriously,  she would have got GPA 5 in the exam.

f)  The boy was playing when ............... . He stopped his playing at once.

g) I feel a very bad headache. If ............... , I would continue my classes.

h) Time plays a very crucial role in human life. We cannot prosper in life unless  ............... .

i) He runs very fast. Last year he ............... that other competitors were left behind.

j) Human body needs a balanced diet. If we take a balanced diet, it ............... .


a) Rifat does not like ............... . He knows that rich food does not contain rich vitamin.

b) As Shafi is devoted to studies, all his teachers love him. He hopes to ...............  .

c) ............... is not good. We should give up it.

d) ............... gives no pleasure. It is always painstaking.

e) There is nobody ............... . Hence happiness is a relative term.

f) Birds ............... in winter are called migratory birds. We should not kill them.

g) People are careful ............... in Dhaka city. They don’t waste their resource.

h) Man is a social being. No man can do  ...............  .

i) Robinson Crusoe was born in England. His father wanted him ............... .

j) ............... in Bangladesh are unemployed. Self-employment is a possible solution to this problem.


a) Honesty is the best policy. If you maintain honesty , ...............  .

b) Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is high time ............... .

c) English is an international language. I wish ............... .

d) If I had much money, ............... .

e) There goes a proverb that ............... . So, you have to make friendship with a gentleman.

f) Hardly has he seen his friend ............... .

g) It is a long time since we ............... .

h) All of us have to work hard with a view to ............... .

i) I was too young to ............... .

j) A student has to be punctual. He has to study regularly lest he ...............  .


a) Last night I did not have a sound sleep. I have a sound sleep. I feel sleepy ............... TV.

b) You cannot handle such a ............... if you don’t have prior experience in teaching.

c) If the driver had been more careful, ............... the fatal accident.

d) We were supposed to start our journey the next day. But it was so hot that ............... .

e) A village market is one of the many attractions of country life It is a public place where ............... .

f) The box is very heavy. Are you strong enough ............... ?

g) Begging is not a profession. It is most disreputable. We must not ............... .

h) Wherever he speaks in English ............... . But it is natural that we learn through mistakes.

i) The station is not far away from here. It will take you five minutes ............... .

j) One should bear in mind that forming bad habit is easy to do but ............... .


a) He studies medicine so that ............... .

b) Time has its wings. It was five years since we ............... .

c) The poor man knocked at my door. He came to me with a view to ............... .

d) I found a box in the room. The box was too heavy for ............... .

e) I went to market yesterday. Had you requested me, I ...............  .

f) Do not worry about me. I ............... after I have finished my study.

g) They are very hard working. If the blank gives them loan on easy terms, they ............... .

h) Unity is strength. United we stand, ............... .

i) We had to walk through a jungle. We saw a snake while we ............... .

j) Everybody will go to the graveyard after death. A graveyard is a place ............... .


a) The job market is getting bad to worse day by day. If you don’t work hard in your student life, ...............

b) Trees are most important for survival. They supply oxygen without which ............... .

c) My HSC exam is knocking at the door. I have to study attentively so that ............... .

d) I have lost my cell phone. Would you mind ............... so that I can talk to my mother.

e) Last week my friend Hasan met with an accident. No sooner had I heard the news than ............... .

f) Flower is a symbol of beauty, love and purity. There is hardly anyone who ...............  .

g) Walk fast lest ............... .

h) Jui is studying medicine. She wants ............... .

i) During the recent years, most teenagers have become facebook freak. They waste time for nothing. They should know that ............... .

j) He came to my room while ............... . He did not wake me up.


a) 16th December is observed as Victory day every year in Bangladesh. It is really a red-letter day in our national history, because on this day ............... .

b) A proverb goes that ............... . So we must try to lead an honest life.

c) Courtesy means ............... . Courtesy costs nothing but brings a lot.

d) Bangladesh is an agricultural country. As her economy depends on agricultural, ............... .

e) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life unless ............... .

f) Bangladesh is our motherland. It is a small but beautiful country. Though it is a small country, it is ...............  .

g) Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since I am an early riser ............... .

h) You must have confidence in your ability. If you ............... you will be successful.

i) My first examination is going on. I studies hard lest I ............... .

j) His father has no ability to bear his son’s educational expenses. So the son takes up a part time job so that ............... .


a) Garment industry in Bangladesh is one of the major sources ............... . But this sector is afflicted with many problems.

b) Once Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince. When the prince heard the news, ............... .

c) Mr. Karim is a hardworking man. ............... , he cannot turn the wheels of his fortune.

d) Success does not come to a man automatically. When a man works in a systematic way ............... .

e) Female education is a crying need for our country. It is a good sign that nowadays ............... .

f) Motherland is like a haven. It is our sacred duty ............... our motherland.

g) Life should not be considered ............... . It is full of sorrow and sufferings.

h) When you ............... work, you will go home.

i) The thief was afraid of police. He ran away lest ............... arrested.

j) He is honest worker. Despite his honest work ............... .


a) Physical exercise keeps us healthy and strong. If you take regular physical exercises, ............... .

b) They came to you with a view to ............... , but you scolded them without any reason.

c) Please wait here until ............... . I have a serious matter to discuss with you.

d) I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry, ............... .

e) Trees are essential for our existence. So we should plant ...............  .

f) There goes a proverb that ............... . So we should plant ............... .

g) We should drink pure water. Since the water of this bottle is not pure, ............... .

h) The two brothers are not on good terms. Yesterday when we went to their house, ............... .

i) Air is polluted in many ways. It is high time ............... .

j) The martyrs laid down their lives in 1971. They did it so that ............... .


a) Industry is the key to success. If you work hard, ............... .

b) Corruption is the main hindrance to development. It is high time ............... .

c) Abdul is an HSC candidate. He is studying hard lest ............... .

d) There are a good number of reasons why ............... . That English is a foreign language is the main reason.

e) Birds fly in the sky. I wish ............... .

f) No sooner had we reached there than ............... . Unless we went there earlier, we would miss the beginning of the programme. 

g) It is not good ............... . A man is known by the company he keeps.

h) Dulal Sheikh is a quack. He behaves as if ............... .  

i) It is my cold outside. You had better ............... .

j) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. Would that ............... .


a) I think you are not punctual in studies, Be punctual lest ............... .

b)  I’ve missed the 8 o’clock train. Do you know when ............... ?

c) The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him ............... .

d) Though he was late, ............... .

e) As he is unwilling to work, he cannot get rid of poverty he must work of it. He must work of it ............... .

f) I usually avoid ............... . It is boring to drive now.

g) As it is a difficult task, ............... . He is very skilled in doing such work.

h) Whenever I go to visit the factory, I ............... . He must account for his absence.

i) The film ended very fantastically. If you enjoyed the film, ............... .

j) There are many obstacles in our many way to success. We must work hard so that ............... .


a) Geometry is very much confusing to Zillur. He practices geometry a lot so that ............... .

b) I could not recognize you first. It was five since we ............... .

c) Sanjida was writing quite well in the exam when suddenly she ............... . As a result, she could not finish the exam with satisfaction.

d) Don’t worry. I ............... after I have finished my study.

e) Fateen was really in great danger. He came to you with a view to ............... from you, but you disappointed  him.

f) Sujon was very weak, but he had to carry a big box. The box was to heavy for ............... .

g) The farmers of our country are very poor, but they can work hard. If the bank gives them loan on easy term, they ............... .

h) Load-shedding occurs because we cannot produce adequate electricity. It is high time we ............... .

i) I requested him to join me in playing cricket. He joined me ............... .

j) He tried his best to get the job but he could not get it. Had he gone the job, he would ............... .


a) The students were sympathetic and patriotic. That’s why ............... .

b) There were five boys. I took five books that ............... .

c) When we came out, ............... . He was worthy of getting such greetings.

d) Tough the pen writes well, ............... . I can’t afford to use it.

e) The poem is too difficult for the students ............... . They couldn’t but memorize it.

f) If I had a camera, ............... I like photography.

g) He came to my room while ............... . He didn’t wake me up.

h) Rina waited until ............... . She went after getting it.

i) He went to London so that ............... . He was devoted to study.

j) He confessed that ............... , So, I forgave him.


a) You cannot buy a car unless ............... . It is cost a lot.

b) You are now seek. Call me in case ............... .

c) He is short that ............... .

d) Since there are no more questions to discuss ............... .

e) I worked hard although ............... .

f) Hardly had we started to eat when ............... .

g) We are unable to go to by train because of ............... .

h) I will give him the massage as soon as ............... .

i) When I was child ............... .

j) There are many helpless people. I wish ............... .


a) Early rising is a good for health. You should rise early so that we can ............... .

b) No sooner had we reached there than ............... . So, we waited long so that we could get the next train.

c) We must learn English because it is an international language. It is high time we ............... for learning English.

d) I have no pen with me. I would lend him, If I ............... .

e) The dog attacked you because you frightened it. If you had not frightened the dog, it ............... .

f) It was really unfortunate for us. Although we ............... , we lost the match in the last over.

g) It’s not cold now, but we take your coat with you in case ............... .

h) Once there was a small village where Ayesha Begum lived with her husband. As he had no land, he ............... on other people’s land.

i) The student will hand over their exam script after they ............... writing.

j) If you are rude, I ............... . I will always stay away from you.


a) Time is very valuable. Those who shone in life............... .

b) It is very cold today. You will be sick unless ............... .

c) Since he behaved badly ............... . Actually, he misbehaves towards everybody.

d) This year crops did not grow well because of ............... . The price of all necessary things is rising day by day.

e) It is high time ............... . It is determined to health.

f) Foysal got a scholarship. He opened a bank account so that ............... .

g) Yesterday I had an Interview at Motijheel. Although It was peak hour, ............... .

h) Sabina’s father died of heart attack. ............... than she burst into a tear.

i) The final exam is near. Our English teacher got us some special tips lest ............... .

j) Although the man is 60 years old, ............... . It is his food habit and physical exercise that makes him to look so.


a) It is known to all that ............... , on the other hand, the lazy suffer in the long run.

b) We believed that ............... . He studied heart and soil.

c) No sooner had I got down from the train ............... . There were some important things in the language.

d) Though he was innocent, ............... . He was convicted of murder.

e) The economy of Bangladesh is going through a tough time. It is high time ............... .

f) Smoking is injurious to health. Those who smoke ............... .

g) Sabbir is not a strong man. He cannot walk one mile at a stretch, let alone ............... .

h) I did not have enough wealth. ............... , I would have set up a hospital for the poor.

i) I was really surprised at his behavior. He acted as if ............... .

j) He has not a wealthy man. He cannot buy that car. The car is too luxurious for ............... .


a) Sakib had failed two times in the SSC exam. If he had studied hard, ............... .

b) There is a vacant post in many company. If you are a graduate, ............... .

c) The passer-by was too ............... . He had walked a long distance.

d) I like typing. If I had a typewriter, ............... .

e) Food adulteration is a crime. It is high time ............... .

f) I left my hometown Jessore. Five years passed since ............... .

g) Your HSC exam is knocking at the door. Study hard so that ............... .

h) Habib was not present when the crime took place. But he talks as if ............... .

i) He is very insincere. We are doubtful whether he ............... .

j) Begging is not a profession. I would rather die ............... .


a) Mr. Ahmed is our English teacher. He speaks softy lest the ............... .

b) Our English teacher not only teaches well but also ............... . So, all the student like him.

c) Time is more valuable than. Lost health may be regained by medicine and proper care but ............... .

d) Success in life depends on how a man can utilize his time. If we make a proper division of time, ............... 

e) The present may be good, but the past is golden. Nothing is more pleasant to me than ............... .

f) A man cannot remember everything in the childhood. But there are certain things which ............... .

g) A student should not confine himself to prescribed books. He should read newspaper and other books which ............... .

h) A student must take care of his health. He must observe the rules of health so that ............... .

i) Once there was a king who was very fond of gold. Although he had a lot of it, ............... .

j) The king wished that If he had the golden touch. No sooner had the express his desire than a ............... .


a) It is high time ............... . It is detrimental to health.

b) I told him about the accident. But he is describing the accident to others as if ............... .

c) 16th  December is observed as the Victory day every year in Bangladesh. It is really a red-letter day in our national history because on this day. 

d) He earns such a small money that ............... . So, he is looking for some additional income.

e) ............... because sincerity is the key to success. An insincere person always becomes failure.

f) As she is determined, ............... . Strong determination is the precondition of any success.

g) The path is not smooth at all. Walk carefully lest ............... .

h) Rahim is such a man whom ...............  . He deserve it for his honesty.

i)  ............... is not true at all. I know the fact.

j) He has a lot of money, but ............... . He is really a miser.


a) Environment is part and parcel of our life. We should keep the environment free from pollution so that ...............

b) We must follow the rules of hygiene in order to be safe from diseases. Without following the rules of hygiene, we ............... . 

c) I was very optimistic about winning the game. I before ............... I took part in the competition.

d) He had a street accident and his sister injured herself falling on the stairs. In fact, misfortune ............... .

e) You have got GPA 4.94. If ............... more seriously, you would have got GPA 5 in the exam.

f) He was playing in the field close to his house when ............... . He his play at once.

g) I feel very bad headache. If ............... , I would continue with my classes.

h) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life unless ............... .

i) He runs very fast. Last year, he ............... that he left other competitors way behind.

j) You should know that our body needs a balanced diet. If you take a balance diet, it ............... .


a) Sound pollution is very serve in big cities. If we fall to control sound pollution, ............... .

b)  there was a farmer who had three sons. They were so lazy that ............... .

c) eighbors are those who live adjacent to us. As a man cannot live alone, ............... .

d) nce a farmer had a goose which laid a golden egg everyday. He became rich ............... .

e)  proverb goes that ............... . So we must try to lead an honest life.

f) e should say no to corruption because ............... .

g) Bangladesh is a country of south Asia. ............... many people live here.

h) There is a proverb that ............... . So we must make the best use of time.

i) Man is a social being. If anybody is in any problem, ............... .

j) Kona, your exam is knocking at the door. It is high time  you ............... .


a) I went to Ekushey Boi Mela at Bangla Academy premises. I went to the book fair so that ............... .

b) Good health is the root of all happiness. If one wants  to enjoy good health, ............... .

c) Water is so vital of all natural resources that ............... . As such, the other name of water is life.

d) Bangladesh is criss-crossed with many rivers. Though it is blessed with many rivers, ............... .

e) Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali (R)  was a great saint of Islam. He came to Bagerhat so that, ............... .

f) The Shat Gambuj Mosque is a 15th century Islamic edifice. Since it is one of the greatest tourists attraction ............... . 

g) Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali built the Shat Gambuj Mosque. The mosque was used to not only as a prayer hall but also as ............... . 

h) Two friends were travelling through a dense forest. They were frightened when ............... .

i) Robi was a poor orphan. He was undersize because of ............... .

j) The Pied Piper decided to take revenge on the Mayor. So, he played another tune and ............... .


a) Morning entertains us with fresh air. Have a try ............... the habit in the morning walk.

b) He wants to be a doctor. He reads attentively so that ............... .

c) Industry is the key to success. Nobody can succeed in life without ............... .

d) Our country is beset with many problems. We all should come forward with a view to ............... .

e) Life should not be considered ............... . It is full of sorrows and sufferings.

f) My younger brother got GPA 4.80 in the HSC exam. He was not serious in his study. If he studied attentively ............... .

g) As he is greedy ............... .  He does not try to understand that happiness lies in contentment.

h) On 21 February, I went Ekushey Boimela. There I found hundred Hundreds of books stalls where ............... . I was delighted.

i) An early riser gets enough time to accomplish his work. Since I am an early riser, ............... . 

j) Nobody likes your presence here. You had better ............... .


a) Early rising gives a man enough free time. Since, I am an early riser ............... .

b) I always get up early in the morning. Then I got out for a walk so that ............... .

c) Childhood is the golden period of our life. I wish ............... . 

d) Present age is the age of science and technology. Our life is inseparably connected ............... . 

e) Rabindranath was sent to London for studies. He was lucky that ............... .

f) The weather is not good. If it rains ............... .

g) Climate change is so alarming that ............... . We have to work with the world community to save the earth from its dangerous impacts.

h) I did not get the good job though I ............... . So, nobody blamed me.

i) My friend came to my house ............... . He woke me up and proposed to me to go out for a walk.

j) As he studied very seriously ............... . Everybody praised him.


a) It is mobile phone that has ............... . It is a great invention of science.

b) Don’t tell a lie. There is nobody who ............... .

c) Five years have passed since ............... died. I miss her very much.

d) There goes a proverb, “Grasp all, ............... .” If you  want to get everything at a time, you may end up in losing everything.

e) Though it rained yesterday, ............... . There was an urgent task.

f) I was too weak ............... . I had been ill for seven days.

g) You must have confidence in your ability. If you ............... , you will be successful.

h) She is not the captain of the class, but she behaves in a way as if she ............... .

i) Load-shedding occurs because we cannot produced adequate electricity. It is high time we ............... .

j) He was really in a great danger. He came here with a view to from ............... .  you, but disappointed him.


a) Truthfulness is a great virtue because it ............... . Everyone should have the habit of speaking the truth.

b) When we discuss with others, we should show respect of others opinion. We cannot expect the respect of others unless.

c) Good manners cost nothing but they ............... .  A man of good manners is loved and respected by everyone and everywhere.

d) When one’s falsehood is brought to light, ............... .   So, it is a wise decision not to tell a lie.

e) Fresh air blows in the morning. If you do not get up early in the morning ............... . 

f) Rana performed a role in a stage drama last night. He acts as if ............... . 

g) A tokai is a small boy who works in the street. Since he is shelter less, ............... .  

h) He cannot go to school because he doesn’t have money. He undergoes hard work so that ............... . 

i) He may have parents but ............... . Even he doesn’t know whether they are alive or not.

j) The weather  is looking rough. It may rain today. Take your umbrella lest ............... . 


a) There was an honest woodcutter who lived by a jungle. He went to the jungle to cut wood ............... . 

b) ne day he was cutting wood ............... .  Suddenly his axe slipped off his hand and fell into the water nearby.

c) He became very sad ............... . 

d) He sat beside the river and began to cry. ...............  the river goddess took pity on him.

e) She appeared ............... and gave his a axe gold.

f) But the honest woodcutter did not feel temped. He said ............... . 

g) The goddess dived into the river again and ............... . But the woodcutter refused to take it also.

h) Now the goddess dived into the river and brought his iron axe ............... .

i) The woodcutter thanked the goddess ............... . The goddess, however, gave the woodcutter all the three axes for his honesty.

j) It is said that the woodcutter would not get the three axes ............... . Later he became a rich man by selling silver gold and axe.



a) Please remember that I can’t do the work alone. I will do every work provided ............... .

b) There goes the proverb, “United we stand, divided we fail.” Unless we are united, ............... .

c) Your father was looking for you. It is high time ............... .

d) There was a little rain yesterday. If it rained heavily, ............... .

e) The bridge grew world. The villagers repaired it lest ............... .

f) I went to the hospital to see Jamil. Yesterday he had an accident while ............... .

g) I don’t want to get in the rain. I will wait here until ............... .

h) Trees is our best friends. But disappointed people cut trees so that ............... .

i) He was a very kind man. As he was kind, ............... . 

j) Bangladesh is a populous country. The area of Bangladesh is so small that ............... .


a) English ............... , we should learn it.

b) But ............... are indifferent to this language.

c) As it is a foreign language, ............... .

d) ............... it is an interesting language.

e) ............... , they can certainly learn it.

f) ...............  , they should practice it greatly.

g) The students ...............  , cannot acquire command of this language.

h) It the present context of globalization ...............  is increasing day by day.

i) So it is essential for us to ............... .

j) Our government is also trying ............... to make our students skilled in this language. 


   a) The benefit of digital Bangladesh are many. ............... , corruption will be drastically reduced.

b) The teacher punished him yesterday. But ............... is not known to me.

c) He is attacked with cancer. ............... is beyond our immigration.

d) Getting up early in the morning, my father waits for newspaper. Really he enjoys ............... .

e) I need some money at this moment. But ...............  is the question.

f) He is always late. No sooner he had reached the school ............... .

g) The final exam is knocking at the door. So, Manna studies attentively so that ............... .

h) The leader was delivering an outstanding speech. So, ............... when the audience  calpped.

i) It is outstanding to note that ............... . It should be controlled as early as possible.

j) Bangladesh is basically a rural country. So the development of Bangladesh depends ............... .


a) Who hasn’t heard the name of King Solomon ? He was famous because of ............... .

b) Student life is the best period of a man’s life. So, he must take care of his health and ............... .

c) One night when Mohsin was sleeping, a thief entered his room. Suddenly, he heard a sound and ................ 

d) Rahmat Ali is a very diligent farmer. He has fertile land which ............... .

e) A village doctor is a person who ............... . He is the best friend to the villagers.

f) I get up early in the morning. As her economy depends on agriculture.

g) Bangladesh is an agricultural country. As her economy depends on agriculture ............... .

h) A tokai is a small boy living in the street. Since he is shelter less, he ............... . 

i) Mountain Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Climbing Everest is difficult and dangerous because ............... . 

j) Mohsin asked the thief why he had come to steal. ............... this family had been starving for a few days.


a) Bangladesh is a small country. The area of Bangladesh is so small that ............... .

b) Trees are our best friends. But dishonest people cut trees so that ............... . 

c) There is a proverb that where ............... , there is a way. It means success in our life depends on our determination and willpower.

d) We must get up early in the morning. The sooner we get up, ............... .

e) Time is very important in our life. You cannot prosper in life unless ............... .

f) Adopting unfair means in the exam is very bad. It is high time ............... .

g) Abraham Lincoln who ............... . He was born on 12 February 1809 in Kentucky. 

h) A warrior would rather die than ............... . He loves his country more than his life.

i) Hundreds of people are born deaf every year. They should not be neglected because ............... .

j) English is an international language. If you want to go abroad for higher study, ............... .


a) Cunningness is not a good quality. This why I hate ............... .

b) Prosperity does not come in one’s life automatically. If ............... , you cannot prosper in life.

c) He is a close-fisted man. He never wants ............... .

d) Corruption is now a great problem in our country. I do not find ............... .

e) Education is not merely ............... . We have to acquire an enlightened mind through education.

f) His father has no capability to bear his son’s educational expenses. So, he takes up a part-time job so that ............... .

g) I have cut a good figure in the exam. So ............... amused my parents.

h) He always liked to travel various places. ............... he might have visited the places outside of his country.

i) She must come today. But I do not know ............... .

j) Gender disparity is a barrier to socio-economic development of our country. So, awareness among the people is a must ............... .


a) The students were making noise in the classroom. No sooner had the teacher entered the class ............... .

b) I did not know that you were very busy with your examination. If I ............... , I would not have come to disturb you.

c) It is very cold today. You will be sick unless you ............... .

d) Environment is part and parcel of our life. we should keep the environment free from pollution so that ............... .

e) The rain will stop soon. We have a plan to go out. We will start when ............... .

f) You are now very busy arranging the program. Call me in case ............... .

g) 21 February is a red-letter in our life because ............... . It is our Mother Language Day.

h) Arafat is a quack. He behaves as if ............... .

i) It is not good ............... . A man is known by the company he keeps.

j) There is a good number of reasons why ............... . That English is a foreign language is the main reason.


a) There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that ............... .

b) My childhood was full of joys and happiness. Would that ............... .

c) When I got down from the train, I saw my friend, Ripon. It was long since ............... .

d) Five years have passed since ............... . I still miss him very much.

e) I did not know anything of the matter. ............... , I would have told him about it.

f) The poem was too difficult ............... . The teacher told us to listen to him very carefully.

g) Some students adopt unfair means in the examinations. It is high time ............... .

h) If I had a camera, ............... . I like photography very much.

i) Don’t worry. I will join you after I ............... . Then we will play together.

j) You take so much food at dinner. You will suffer unless ............... .


a)  National Memorial which is situated at Savar ............... . It is built with concrete, but made of blood.

b) ...............  cannot be blotted. Everything is predestined by god.

c) I support you because ............... . You should be always honest.

d) If I had the wings of a bird, ............... . But man cannot fly in the sky as birds flies.

e) We cannot stop natural disasters. But reducing the loss of wealth and lives is possible ............... .

f) The doorbell rang ............... . I felt disturbed of it.

g) Today is Friday. ...............  all the shops are closed.

h) I do not like people ............... . Such kind of people are hated everywhere.

i) As an HSC candidate, you should read properly so ............... .  You must make proper use of time.

j) Though Bangladesh is a small country, ............... . But her population can be used as human resource.



a) Our freedom fighters were very brave people. They have sacrificed their lives so that ............... .

b) The students were listening to the class carefully. When ............... they all shouted together.

c) A man is known by the ............... . Some of your friends are very naughty and speak of your character.

d) You are very much disrespectful to your elders. Unless you change this behavior, you ............... .

e) He wrote very quickly. He had finished exam before the ............... .

f) You do not study seriously. If ............... , you would make a better result.

g) We must follow the rules of health, If we ............... we will be able to lead a healthy and happy life.

h) We have missed the first bus and we ...............  until the second one comes.

i) He was not gentle in his behavior. He ...............  as though I had not spoken at all. 

j) I got a long vacation after my final examination. I went to my village with my parents with a view to ...............


a) We take physical exercise so that ............... .

b)They came to you with a  view to ............... , but scolded you them without any reason.

c) Please wait here until ............... . I have a serious matter to discuss with you.

d) I was not hungry at all. If I had been hungry, ............... .

e) Trees are essential for our existence. So, we should plant ............... . 

f) There goes a proverb that ............... . So, we must make proper use of time.

g) We should drink pure water. Since the water of this bottle is not pure, ............... .

h) The two brothers are not on good terms. Yesterday when we went to their house, ............... .

i) Air is polluted in many ways. It is high time ............... .

j) The martyrs laid down their lives in 1971. They did it so that ............... .


a) There are many obstacle in our way to success. We must work hard so that ............... . 

b) My childhood was full of joy and happiness. Would that ............... .

c) When I got down from the train, I saw my friend Ripon. It was long since ............... .

d) Five years have passed since ............... . I still miss him very much.

e) I did not anything of the matter. ............... , I would have told him about it.

f) The poem was too difficult ............... . I would have told him about it.

g) Some students adopt unfair means in the examination. It is high time ............... .

h) If I had a camera, ............... . I like photography very much.

i) Don’t worry. I will join you after I ............... . Then we will play together.

j) You take so much  food at dinner. You will suffer unless ............... .


a) Yesterday I met My friend my friend Shamim. It was many years since ............... . 

b) When I went there, the principle was not in the office. So I waited until ............... .

c) Though Mr. Alok is a rich man. He does not help the poor. If I were he, ............... .

d) The glass was broken. Either Mukul ............... .

e) Physical exercise helps a man to be healthy. So, we should take physical exercise regularly so that ............... .

f) Jerry was an orphan boy. He was only four when ............... .

g) Reckless  driving causes a lot of accidents. It is high time ............... .

h) We missed you very much on the occasion. If you had gone there ............... .

i) It is true that most of the parents in our are not interested enough to ............... . They think educating children is nothing but a waste of time and money.

j) Today is a hot day. The heat of the sun is so un bearable that ............... .


a) He studies medicine so that ............... .

b) Time has its wings. It was five years since we ............... .

c) The poor man knocked at my door. He came to me with a view to ............... .

d) I found a box in the room. The box is too heavy for me ............... .

e) I went to market yesterday. Had you requested me, I ............... .

f) Do not worry about me . I ...............  after I have completed my study.

g) They are very hard working. If the blank gives them loan on easy terms, they ............... .

h) Unity is strength. United we stand ............... .

i) We had to walk through a jungle. We saw a snake while we ............... .

j) Everybody will go the graveyard after death. A graveyard is a place ............... .


a.    I think you are not punctual in studies. Be punctual lest ____________

b.   I’ve missed the 8 o’clock train. Do you know when _______?

c.    The thief stole my watch and I saw it. As soon as I saw him ________

d.   Though he was late, ________

e.    As he is unwilling to works, he cannot get rid of poverty. He must work if __________

f.    I usually avoid _____. It is boring to drive now.

g.    As it is a difficult task, ______. He is very skilled in doing such task.

h.   Whenever I go to visit to factory, I _______. He must account for his absence.

i.     The film ended very fantastically. If you enjoyed the film, __________.

j.     There are many obstacles in our way to success. We must work hard so that _________.


  a. A student should read widely. If she hard studied hard, ________

  b. They were in hurry. They walk fast lest__________

  c. Had man the wings of a bird, he would fly in the sky. If I were a bird,________

  d. _________ as if she were a mad girl.

  e. He was going to the station. No sooner had he reached the station____________

  f. Truth is stronger than fiction. The fact is that he___________

  g. Hardly had I reached ________

  h. Go to the bank with the cheque lest__________

  i. Mountaineering is a dangerous task. The mountain is too high for_________

  j. One should not be afraid of danger. Danger often comes_____







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